Saturday, July 21, 2007

Martina Dey SAL after 7 days

I finally got around to starting the Martina Dey SAL at the Yahoo group. This is a picture after 7 days of stitching. I'm using 35 creme brulee and Legacy Blue by VC silks. My goal for Friday is to have the missing items in the second row and finish the third row.
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Saturday, July 14, 2007

September and October Flip Its

It's almost halfway and I've completed most of my July Goals. The Lizzie Kate Flip-Its
Bits are perfect for this hot weather. They're quick, little counting and relaxing.

Thursday was a fun day. I went to the LNS to pick up the New Carriage House designs and purchased all 3. I was only going to get Elizabeth Minnich's Decorated Towel and Quaker House Sampler but couldn't resist Asenath Whitcomb. One of my favorite things to stitch are letters and this one is full of them. I've picked up the NPI threads and have
ordered the linen. First up is going to be the Quaker House Sampler. It looks like a quick
one. Here is the link to her new designs.

Tommorrow I'm going to start Martina Dey SAL. The start date was June 1st but my linen
was missing. I'm finally happy with 35 ct creme brulee by R&R and Legacy Blue by VC silks.
I hoping to catch up with everyone.
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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sarah Moon

Sarah Moon was finished on June 23. It was a joy to
stitch and I'm happy that I used NPI silks. It took
22 days to finish.Posted by Picasa

The Sampler Lady

Last night I finished The Sampler Lady by Little House
Needleworks. It was stitched using 32 ct Light Examplar
by Lakeside Linen , Crescent Colours and DMC threads
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July Goals

This month I'm going to work on small to medium projects. Here is my list

1. Start and Finish The Sampler Lady by Little House Needleworks -Done
2. Start and Finish The Summer Sampler by Little House Needleworks -Done
3. Start and Finish A Bit Of June, July, August, September and October -Done
4. Start and Finish Of Female Arts by The Primitive Needle -No linen didn't arrive
5. Keep putting away threads and supplies when finished. It took a week to reorganize all my threads- Yes